Thursday, July 31, 2008

I am fried! I took Caleb (the 3 year old i watch) to water world with danielle. I didn't get sunburned my FACE JUST IS DRY AND IM EXSASTED! it was fun though. Bye

Monday, July 28, 2008

OMGOSH!  I finally finished my Personal

Progress!  I will possibly be getting an 
interview this week by the bishop, and 
then will be awarded my madalyon on 
Sunday!  Because I finished this way early 
my Dad is going to finally get me texting
and possibly a new phone!  I can't wait.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today I am going to Cotton wood to watch Ally
play her All-star state championship for softball.
If they win they are going to Washington for nationals!
Go Ally, Makenzie, and Meghan!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Today has been okay. Yesterday I went swimming and chated
with my friend Hailey. Today I have to go to the orthodonticed
for my braces): Then I have mutual, I can't wait for that because
I heard we are dancing, except I can't dance, oh well. See Ya!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It was so awesome when it rained 

my sister and i played outside.

My parents got back yesterday, man were they stinky!  Then we went out to eat.  Then this morning we had church.  Alot of people were sunburned from the trek it was funny.  I wish I could of gone, but I was to young (barely).  I am going to go the next time though in four years, I'll be 17. 

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Yesterday my parents went on this trek thing.
My Grandma is here. We went swimming yesterday
and my cousins came over to swim also. Garrett
(my cousin) and I played basketball in the pool
instead of on the court so that I could play without
having to use my left leg. Today we might
go to my cousins swim compition thingy. Anyways
I cant wait until my foot gets better. I should be
able to run on it in a month with my brace. I wish
I could play on my team though. Oh, well at least
I didn't do it during my schools basketball season.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Today was okay.  My mom had her preschool thing so I helped.  Then I shot baskets while my brother got rebounds. ( it is hard to do jump shots when you can't jump)  Anyways then I had a free throw contest with my brother, he has gottin good.   Then my brother had basketball at the reck center so I went because well, I don't know why but I go every Monday.  I can't wait for tomorrow!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yesterday I re-learned how to walk!
I am able to walk around without my
crutches. Hey if anyone wants to chat
on the side you can or email me at

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Okay, well I went to my sports orthopedic and 

I was able to get my cast off!  I have a tied up boot/
brace thing on my foot though.  Anyways, I'll be able
to play normal in a month, but I will still feel pain
and swelling for six months.  At least I can go 
swimming  in my pool now!