Hey, i love my friends. Basia, you are amazing!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
We Are Going To The Championship!
WE WON OUR PLAY OFF GAMES. WE ARE GOIN TO THE CHAMPIONSHIP. last night was a crazy game. We were versing Deer Valley at their school. They are huge. We were tied with 4 seconds to go. We normally do press, but my coach wanted us to get back. Deer Valley was about to pass the ball in from the side away from their basket on the left side by ours. When my coach told me to get back, thats when everything went into slow motion. All of a sudden i saw that the girl passing it in was looking for somone to pass it in to. From my side i saw a girl from my side pop out. They were kind of far from where i was, but i got there in time. I stole the pass, took about three dribbles and shot a lay-up with my left hand. I made that shot and the buzzer went off. We beat them 33 to 31. After we jumped up and down everything became clear, we won! Plus, the freshman and jv coaches from o conner high school was there. I am so glad they came. I also am so glad that i have the dad that i do. Lately, he has been pushing me on my lay-ups. He has taught me muscle memory. I can't wait for Friday. Our championship game will be held at Hillcrest Middle School at 4:15!
Posted by baller17 at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
OMG!!!! My basketball team is now going to be going into the playoffs in 2nd place. This means that for the first game we get a bie, then we play Deer Valley at our school on Wednesday. Once we win that we play Desert Arroyo for the championship! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad for my dad for teaching me so much, and for my mom and bro for supporting. I also LOVE my team, they are awesome(:
Posted by baller17 at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
WAHEW! We won are game against Sonoran Trails. The score was 39 to 18. In they beginning we weren't doing so well, but then we decided to play amazing defense. We played as a team!!!!!!!!
Posted by baller17 at 6:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
We Won! Today we versed Highland Lakes and we did great! I am so excited to verse Sonorain Trails thursday. If we continue to win and only lose against Arroyo, then we will be tied in second with Deer Valley. Deer Valley automatically gets the place and we get third, due to a coin flip. Either way we are going to play Desert Arroyo for the championship. If we work hard and play how we've been playing lately then we can win!
Posted by baller17 at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Yay! We beat Deer Valley!!! Now we are tied in second place with them. If we remain in the same position we will be bumped to third place to start in the play offs and they will get second due to a coin flip. We weren't supposed to beat them but we did. It was a great game. Out of all of the years that i've played ball i have never swished a three in a game ever, in this game i did! We played as a team during that game. Ally was beastly. PLus i was so happy because my grandpa came and watched
Posted by baller17 at 7:25 PM 0 comments
OK so are game against Desert Sky was pretty intense. It was over time with 7 sec. to go. Coach told Ally to pass it in to me and then for me to take one dribble and hold it. Well i did that but this girl was all over me so i pivited. I used my elbows, but did not through them. It turns out with one sec to go they call a technical on me for "throughing elbows." My dad and Autumn's dad didn't like that call very much so they got kicked out of the game. We ended up winning with double over time. It was a crazy game!
Posted by baller17 at 7:20 PM 2 comments